If you need a cash loan for any purpose you may have in mind, through this financial institution you can complete a transaction 100% online in a few minutes. Kviku is a company that has been operating in the Philippines and other international markets for many years.
It is a company that offers loans and credit online to its customers. If you have a problem regarding financial liquidity at a specific time or some urgent matter that requires extra money, you can access the financing you need through Kviku.
Any company that wants to work in the Philippines is required by law to operate using the corresponding permit. The SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission, as it is known, is responsible for granting this license. On the official government website, you can find the list of companies that have been approved and are reliable when applying for a loan.
The company is on the list of registered organizations on the SEC's website. This means that they can work in the Philippines in compliance with the law as they have passed all the necessary inspections from the supervisory authority.
Through this financial institution you can get an online credit for a minimum amount of 1,000 PHP and a maximum amount of 25,000 PHP to be repaid between 60 and 180 days.
If you want to access an urgent loan offer with this financial entity, you simply have to apply through its official website. Its platform is quite cutting-edge and innovative in the financial sector. In addition, you can access an online form that is completed with little personal data.
You must follow these steps to get a quick and easy answer.
If you want to take advantage of a loan with Kviku.ph really meet at least some minimum requirements.
The requirements that you will be requested from this financial institution are the following:
Other data that can be requested are the payroll support, the identification of the company, the DT and if you are self-employed or have a business in addition to the ITR or tax form.
Regarding interest rates with Kviku Philippines as a financial entity, it can be said that they are quite low. The company offers a daily rate that does not exceed 0.10%.
However, these rates are usually a little higher than in any other Philippine bank, although they are among the most competitive when compared to other loan companies. On the official website of this financial institution, you can use the online calculator to understand the exact amount you are going to pay in interest.
If you want to be aware of the rate you are going to pay as well as the amount of the credit you are going to request and the estimated return period, you can use an online calculator to understand this data at all times.
It is easy to use that you only have to indicate the amount of credit you want to request and the estimated repayment period. You will get the data you need automatically.
The advantages of applying for a loan through this Philippine financial institution are the following:
To repay your loan to Kviku you must follow these steps:
If you want to make a bank transfer, you can also do this through the website of the financial institution although the process can take up to 5 days. To avoid any inconvenience, it is best to contact the financial institution so that they can confirm if the payment has been made.
We have searched for reviews from Filipino customers who have applied for a loan or credit through Kviku Philippines. There are many customers who are satisfied with the services offered by this financial institution.
It is a company that stands out for being reliable, safe, and transparent.
Kviku Customer Service
If you want to contact this company, you can do this through their email which is the following: support@kviku.ph you can talk to them during their long working hours that goes from 9.00 am to 18.00 pm.
In addition, the company has a physical headquarters in the city of Makati. Here you can find the central office but there are no branches of this financial institution in other parts of the country.